Born in 1968, married, father of one boy
ICT Bachelor @ HEMES (Liège, Belgium) and active from 1991 as a "ICT consultant" for several "big accounts" in Belgium (Renault Belgium, International Factors Belgium, BBL Bank, ING Bank, UCB Pharma, BNP Paribas Fortis Bank, ORES, ...) Role(s) : programmer, analyst, technical writer, project leader, service manager, infrastructure design, technical architecture MCP, ITIL v3-v4, TOGAF 9.1, COBIT and Archimate 3.0 Certified Co-founder and co-owner of Kill The Reptile SPRL Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) : ISTJ Son of a racing driver (1974 Spa 24h winner and 1975 ETCC champion) #introvert #asperger #ISTJ #books #comics #racingcars #sciencefictionlover #AFOL
Service Management (ITIL) Project Management Technical infrastructure design (Archimate) Technical documentation NLP Master practitioner NLP coach
1160 Brussels, Belgium